All eyes on: Alpha Steppa – „StreetDub“ Dub-Activism

Ben aka Alpha Steppa hat vor knapp 6Jahre die #StreetDub Reihe ins Leben gerufen – conscious Lyrics auf serious Live Sampling im standesgemäßem Szenario – boom!
In der allersten Episode erzählte uns sein Kumpel Nai-Jah damals auf „Repatriate Your Dollars“ von Korroption in dessen Heimat Nigeria und spannt dabei den Bogen zur systemischen Korruption die uns alle vergiftet…

…abgesehen mal davon lohnt sich ein Blick in die Videographie um mittlerweile über 60 Folgen im Kanal seines Labels „Steppa Records“, wo man sich ganz offenbar mal der Reichweite von Mukke bewusst ist:

„Wir nutzen die Videos als Gelegenheit, um Themen zu beleuchten – es ist eine Art Dub-Aktivismus.“
erzählt uns Ben im tollen Beitrag zur „StreetDub“ Reihe auf dem DubBlog.


This song is about corruption in Nigeria, Nai-Jah’s home country, but as he says ‚corruption everywhere, everywhere‘, bureaucratic corruption, police corruption, political corruption and financial corruption is mashing down the world. We’re told places like Somalia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, North Korea, Sudan and Iraq are the most corrupt countries of all, but to find the champion culprit we need look no further than the UK, it may not seem so on the surface, but these people are experts, they’ve been working this way for generations and have perfected their methods

Donate to charity, raise awareness, shop carefully, volunteering, recycle, ecotourism? These things may help but if we starve the industries responsible for deforestation then they’ll either have to change their business models or go out of business. Leave Babylon; live sustainably, live self-sufficiently, or if you feel you can’t do that then choose carefully what you consume, wage war with your wallet and remove your hand from the mouth of the beast.

Much like their product, the oil giants are slippery and opaque. They are insidious. They are dangerous. After decades of manufacturing doubt, and buying time – time that the planet couldn’t afford – the tides are turning and the picture is becoming ever clearer. With demand and share prices dropping, the world’s fossil fuel producers know that peak oil is probably now behind them. Which will mean; an abundance of cheap crude oil – greater investment risk – reduced investment – diminished political power.

This StreetDub was filmed in Cadiz, Spain. The little boat ‚patera‘ behind us crossed the sea, overcrowded and in extremely dangerous conditions to reach this beach. Too many of these boats don’t make it. Since 2014 more than 20,000 migrants and refugees have died at sea trying to reach Europe. I’ve tried to imagine the faces, the lives and the stories of those lost souls, it’s truly overwhelming.
This song is dedicated to all the brothers and sisters we, humanity, have lost crossing the Mediterranean sea.

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