„Inspired Ones outta Africa – I take a trip down a Constance ya…“
This saturday night Bündnis Abschiebestopp & big bad Macadamya formed the „Friends For Refugees“ longside Rebellion The Recaller, Faya Soldja and Max Rubadub for a truly unique event inna Constance reggae history:
Besides an impressive exibithion on refugee issues and tons of information material, the migration topic was also enlarged by various movies and speeches, followed by percussion performance and a special -join in- capoira show to properly warm up for a memorable night full of sweet reggae vibes.
Constance – one!.
some impressions:
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All praizes are due to the Almighty One Alone as creation declares it throught the process of existence ….blessings to have Met nice People Engage in such charitable and positive Endeavours benefiting the ones deprived of their God Given right in Exil by war and conflict the,Out cast by familial or societial circumstances Or Refugees in the surrounding environment…..Thanks you for the Great night and love and Good vibs Konstanz…Southbvibs.de……Maccadamya…Fayasoldier,MaxRubadub