Schlagwort: Jamaica

Welcome to Jamrock – Peter Paul Zahl legacy in Long Bay

  . „The people here are anarchistic, very anti-authoritarian and associated with this, very strong minded…“ (P.-P. Zahl / TAZ-Interview 1994)   In the mid 80is, the libertarian German author and activist Peter Paul Zahl found a new habitat in Long Bay Jamaica, where he wrote his famous criminal stories on the fictive detective Aubrey …


Put this pon your stereo: Macadamya – Trouble

. „Gefeatured wurden ausschließlich Tunes, die im Zusammenhang zu sozialkritischen Themen stehen wie etwa Gewalt, Armut und Korruption. Themen, die in Jamaika allgegenwärtig sind und die Reggae schon seit seinen Anfängen behandelt…“ . Der neue Misch aus unserem guten Hause Macadamya is da – conscious Modern Roots mit einer Prise Reggae Revival für all die …


Welcome to Jamrock – Long Bay, From Rosehill to Reach Falls

. When you reach Long Bay after a 20min ride from Port Antonio further East, you can’t deny to be a little baffled in the first place. Wide beaches, palms &  the blue sea nesteled within green hills with little houses scattered all around – but on the other hand the ever present decay (almost …


Welcome to Jamrock – Breakneck rafting on Rio Grande in Port Antonio

. When you move further north from Kingston, your next stop will -most likely- be the ancient banana trade terminal Port Antonio. The town itself is nothing special, but there are plenty of attractions around to invest time & money –> . One possibility, for example, would be to get yourself a captain in town, …


One hidden Rasta Settlement up Blue Mountains

. When you spend some time in Jamaica’s capital, the moment will come, that you will demand for a refuge of peacefulness… And in fact, there are two major possibilities to leave the city within decent time: UP (to the Mountains) & DOWN (to the Sea) When you catch a taxi from Papine Square, it …


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