Schlagwort: Reggae

♦♦ ♫ Piratensender Powerplay trifft das Labor mit der guten Musik aus Jamaica ♫ ♦♦

Das Fest der Liebe wird in diesem Jahr mit reichlich Liebe zum Fest zelebriert… …denn in diesem Jahr bringen euch Das Labor und euer Piratensender Powerplay die gute Musik aus Jamaica ins Contrast Konstanz! – Eintritt ist voll und ganz euch überlassen, geht aber in jedem Fall zu 100% an HELPjamaica. – wer als …


Salute to the heroes: Garnett Silk († 10.12.1994)

. „I will always do the good I can, war and hatred I can’t  stand. And I hope you feel the same way too, the goodness of your works will carry you through.„ . Garnet Damion Smith 02/04/1966 – 10/12/1994 Mit seiner emotional „seidigen“ Stimme, war Garnett Silk eines der größten Talente der frühen 90er …


Put this pon your video: T.O.K. – Pour some liquor

. „In Jamaica, it is a tradition to pour some liquor in memory of a friend or family member that has passed. It’s a way to salute them especially if they used to drink as well. In that case we pour the favourite drink of that person and it’s important to do so first before …


Put this pon your video: Promise No Promises – Draw we out

. „…the “Draw We Out” single has been generating a massive buzz, being featured on numerous radio stations across the Caribbean – and soon to break on the international reggae space. The video emphasizes the true to life context of the lyrics being delivered on this track, where the artist speaks about the life of …


Impressions from Rototom Sunsplash Festival 2014 in Benicassim

. “Tonight is not a jiggy night, tonight is Rastafari Night!” (Janine ‚Jah9‘ Cunningham) . This summer, we head to Spain again for our 4th visit on Europes biggest Festival, when it comes to celebrating Reggae Music: Born in the hills of Udine (Italy) in 1994 the Rototom Sunsplash moved to Benicassim in 2010 due …


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